An introduction to 35mm film photography.

This workshop immersed me into the unique world of view cameras and large format photography—truly a luxury and an exercise. It was acceptable to spend time (for me, hours) composing the entire frame. In a digital age where everything is figured out for you, it’s so easy to get trigger-happy. This process trained me to actually take the time to think—every setting, every factor of lighting—all to take a single frame. With the work you put in, this physical, single frame can be far more rewarding than a hundred digital frames. It’s such a fun workshop, and having a physical result is satisfying. 

- Ann Misaki Singer

At A Glance

Intro to 35mm Film Photography

May 28, 2022
June 11, 2022
July 2, 2022

Duration: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Max participants: 5

Fee: $350

Instructor: Greg Marinovich

Location: Boston University
Exact venue to be confirmed depending on numbers

A one day, hands-on workshop introducing photographers to film photography.

Through hands-on demonstrations, we will explore the technical aspects of view cameras. Participants will shoot at an outdoor location (preselected by instructor), or at a place of your choice.

Several Sinar and Cambo view cameras are available during the workshop, however, prior reservation is required. Participants are also encouraged to bring their own large format cameras.

Film can be processed and developed for an additional fee on the day of the workshop.

Who is this workshop suited to?

This is the perfect course for the photographer who wishes to explore a new way of approaching their work. Slow down, observe and shoot sparingly. Take the time to use the movements and control of a view camera in a variety of ways. A solid understanding of photographic basics is needed.

What will your day look like?

Morning (9:00am - 12:00am):

Meet at our studio to review the objectives of the workshop. Learn how to understand and interpret light and how it relates to film and black & white photography.

Afternoon (1:00pm to 4:30pm):

After lunch we introduce you to the mechanics of processing your film. The day is too short to introduce printing, but we will sleeve and scan your film for feedback.


Learn how to load 35mm film onto development reels.

Additional Information

What is included:

  • A 35mm film camera with a prime lens (it’s better to bring your own if you have one)

  • 1 roll of 35mm film

  • Processing and scanning of 1 roll of 35mm film.

What is NOT included:

  • Parking Fees

  • Meals

  • Accommodation

  • Transportation